Vista de las dos tapas externas de la Guía Ilustrada de los Cazones de las Islas Canarias.
Vista interna de dos fichas de la Guía Ilustrada de los Cazones de las Islas Canarias.
Ficha informativa que muestra datos relevantes sobre la biología, morfología y distribución de la Mielga (Squalus blainville) resaltando sus caracteres diagnósticos.
Poster comparativo de las especies de cazones presentes en las Islas Canarias, mostrando sus tamaños a escala, estado de conservación, presencia según la profundidad del agua y distrubución tanto mundial como en el archipiélago canario.

Illustrated Guide of the
Dogfish in the Canary Islands

Dogfish are small sharks belonging to the Carcharhiniformes order that inhabit warm and temperate waters of seas and oceans. These species are ovoviviparous and feed on small fish and crustaceans, playing a key role in marine ecosystems. In the Canary Islands, there are seven species of dogfish, belonging to the Triakidae and Squalidae families.

Currently, several of these species face a worrying conservation status. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they are classified as Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered. Despite being frequently fished, it is essential to regulate their capture to prevent overexploitation and ensure the sustainability of their populations. To achieve this, collaboration strategies have been developed between researchers and local fishermen.

The “Illustrated Guide of the Dogfish in the Canary Islands” was created to promote communication between fishermen and the Fisheries Laboratory of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This tool allows them to identify species and report catches using detailed files.

The sheets include bibliographic information and previous data provided by local fishermen on the presence of these species in the Canary Islands. They also cover key aspects of their biology, morphology, sexual dimorphism, and distinctive characteristics that facilitate their identification.

Additionally, an A3 poster was designed to show the seven species comparatively, highlighting their size to scale, as well as their global distribution, and in the Canary Islands.

This guide and poster are part of the Cazones Project, an initiative developed within the framework of the project CanBio.

Year: 2023
Illustration and digital layout.
Illustration type: Scientific.
Type of project/Client: Laboratorio de Pesquerías de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.