Ilustración en zoología en técnica de acuarela de un Tórtola europea (Streptopelia turtur) posada sobre una rama.
Foto de una lustración en acuarela de un Tórtola europea (Streptopelia turtur) posada sobre una rama y junto a ella, un pincel con los cuales fue pintada.

The European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur).

The European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) is a small migratory bird of the family Columbidae. It measures 24–29 cm in length and with a wingspan of 47–55 cm. It inhabits Europe, North Africa and western Asia, preferring open areas such as clear forests, fields and scrubland. During the autumn, it migrates south of the Sahara, while its breeding area includes Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.

Its diet is based on seeds and small fruits. Its soft and melodic song stands out in spring and summer, being a characteristic symbol of these seasons.

In recent decades, populations of this species have suffered an alarming decline. According to a 2007 European report, their numbers have dropped by up to 62%. The main causes include habitat loss, agricultural intensification and hunting, with an estimated three million specimens hunted each year in Mediterranean countries. This situation has led to their classification as a vulnerable species in Europe.

Organizations such as SEO Birdlife, work to monitor their populations in Spain, increase knowledge of their threats, and propose conservation measures. As the Action Plan for the European Turtle Dove in the European Union, which seeks to reverse its decline by improving its habitat and regulating its hunting.

This illustration was made as a final project for the watercolour illustration course, within the UPV/EHU Scientific Illustration postgraduate course, taught by Professor Carles Puche. In addition, it was published on the back cover of the BIOGAIA magazine together with works by other postgraduate students. This annual magazine, edited by Colegio Oficial de Biólogos y Biólogas de Euskadi (COBE), collaborates with the postgraduate program in editorial projects.

Year: 2019
Technique: Watercolor illustration.
Illustration type: Scientific.
Type of project/Client: Course project.