Acrocinus longimanus
Coleomegilla maculata
Cypherotylus devauvei
Gymnetis stellata
Lampetis variolosa
Omocerus taurus
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Composición que muestra a seis especies de coleópteros de Venezuela con temas botánicos abstractos alrededor.

Series: Beetles of Venezuela

Beetles are a group of insects that make up the order Coleoptera. It is the group with the most described species in the animal kingdom. It has a wide morphological diversity, cosmopolitan distribution, and multiple food sources, being one of the most striking groups of insects. The beetles of Venezuela, as in the rest of the world, come in many shapes, sizes, and colors.

Among the families that make up this order, I chose some of the most colorful ones in the country to make this series.

The Cerambycidae family, represented by the Harlequin beetle, Acrocinus longimanus. With extremely long antennas, as long as or longer than its body. 

The Coccinellidaefamily, known as "useful insects" since many prey on herbivorous insects (such as aphids) considered pests for agriculture, controlling their populations and reducing damage to plants, represented by the species Coleomegilla maculata.

Los miembros de la familia Erotylidae family members, to which the species Cypherotylus debauveibelongs, , known as fungus beetles, feed on plants and fungi.

Gymnetis stellata member of the Scarabaeidae, los de este grupo son conocidos por sus cuerpos robustos y sobre todo por sus antenas lameladas.

Los miembros de la familia Buprestidaefamily, , known for their lustrous, iridescent colors, thanks to structural colors with microscopic texture, reflect specific frequencies of light in particular directions, represented by the species Lampetis variolosa.

And finally, a leaf beetle Omocerus taurus, from the Chrysomelidaefamily, one of the largest and most common families. They are herbivorous and can have many shapes, colors, and a metallic luster.

Series made as part of a course on scientific illustration applied to pattern design, taught by Diana Flores Blazquez.

Year: 2021
Technique: Digital illustration.
Illustration type: Scientific/Naturalistic
Type of project/Client: Course project/Personal.