Ilustración digital que muestra a un El gecko cola de hoja de Pietschmann, posado sobre una rama.
10 ilustraciones para dar visibilidad al Gecko cola de hoja de Pietschmann (Uroplatus pietschmanni) un reptil en peligro de extinción, en forma de una historia contada a través de posts en RRSS.
Ilustración digital que muestra a un gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho, posado sobre una rama.
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni)
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 2
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni)3
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 4
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 5
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 6
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 8
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 9
Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni) 10
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The cork-bark leaf-tail gecko
(Uroplatus pietschmanni)

The cork-bark leaf-tail gecko is a reptile of the Gekkonidae family. It belongs to a group of 17 endemic species from the island of Madagascar, with a cryptic appearance (they have shapes, textures, and colors that allow them to camouflage themselves with their surroundings).

This gecko lives in the branches of trees in tropical rainforests and rarely comes down to the ground. It is active at night when it comes out to hunt small insects and other invertebrates.

It stands out for its tree-bark appearance and thick tail. Its camouflage ability covers both its physical appearance and its almost immobile behavior.

Due to its rarity and appearance, this species has historically been exported for international trade, leading to it being classified as endangered species. This threat is also compounded by the loss of habitats due to logging and cultivation.

Reference sheet que muestra la investigación llevada a cabo para la elaboración de las ilustraciones del Gecko de cola de hoja de corteza de corcho (Uroplatus pietschmanni)

These illustrations were made as part of the final project of the Children's Illustration course at the Academy Illustraciencia. This course is taught by Isa Loureiro, with the collaboration of Weird and Wonderful Animal Conservation (WAWA Conservation).

The project consisted of giving visibility to endangered species, showing their unique characteristics, as well as their importance as a fundamental part of the ecosystem in which they are found. In addition, it gave value to the work of WAWA Conservation, to save little-known species that are also not very charismatic.

The end result was a series of consecutive paintings, which were published in Instagram and that WAWA Conservation could disseminate on its social networks and website, in addition to being accessible to the general public.

Year: 2022
Technique: Digital illustration.
Illustration type: Children.
Type of project/Client: Course project/Wawa Conservation.