Infografía sobre el cachalote que muestra aspectos sobre su biología y ecología.
Acercamiento a la ilustración del cachalote (Physeter macrocephalus).
Modelado del esqueleto antes de la arcilla, a partir de bocetos.
Fotografía que muestra el proceso de moldeado con arcilla moldeable del y parte de las herramientas utilizadas.
Fotografía del cachalote sobre un fondo, tomada para la digitalización.

The majestic sperm whale
(Physeter macrocephalus)

The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest toothed cetacean in the world. Males can measure up to 20 m in length and weigh more than 50 tonnes, while females are smaller and can measure on average 12 m. Its head represents approximately one-third of its body and houses the spermaceti organ an oil-filled structure that plays a role in echolocation and buoyancy regulation.

They live in all the world's oceans, preferring deep waters where they can dive to over 2,000 m in search of food. Their diet is based mainly on giant squid and fish, using their echolocation ability to hunt in the darkness of the depths.

They are highly social, with females and young living in stable groups, while adult males tend to be more solitary. They were once heavily hunted for their oil and ambergris, but are now protected by international laws. Despite this, they face threats such as collisions with ships, pollution, and entanglement in fishing nets.

The sperm whale is a key player in marine ecosystems, contributing to ocean health through its interactions with other species and its impact on the nutrient cycle. The conservation of these magnificent animals is essential to maintaining the balance of ocean ecosystems.

Infographic made as a final project of the subject Infographics of the Postgraduate Course in Scientific Illustration of the UPV/EHU taught by the infographic designer of the National Geographic Fernando Baptista.

The main element of the infographic is made of moldable clay, painted with acrylic paint, photographed against a background and subsequently digitally retouched.

Year: 2020
Technique: Clay and digital touch-ups.
Illustration type: Naturalistic.
Type of project/Client: Course project.