Infografía que muestra al alzacola rojizo sobre una rama de olivo, y muestra ciertos aspectos sobre su ecología y sus principales amenazas.
Ilustración que muestra un Alzacola rojizo (Cercotrichas galactotes) sobre una rama de olivo.
Alzacola rojizo (Cercotrichas galactotes)
Alzacola rojizo (Cercotrichas galactotes)
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Mesa de trabajo que muestra los materiales utilizados para la ilustración en acuarela del Alzacola rojizo (Cercotrichas galactotes).

The rufous-tailed scrub robin (Cercotrichas galactotes)

The rufous-tailed scrub robin (Cercotrichas galactotes) is a passerine bird of the family Muscicapidae, known for its long, reddish tail, which it raises and moves characteristically. It lives in warm and arid areas of southern Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, preferring scrubland and crops.

In Spain, it is a summer bird that arrives in spring from sub-Saharan Africa and breeds between April and September, building nests in bushes or low trees. It is common in some areas of the southeast, east, and center of the country, but its populations have decreased due to agricultural intensification (change or abandonment of crops and use of pesticides) and loss of habitats.

This species of bird is listed as "Vulnerable" to extinction according to the "Red Book of Birds of Spain", and its conservation requires measures such as sustainable crop management and protection of its habitat.

Selected as bird of the year 2022 by SEO Birdlife Spain, to draw attention to the delicate situation of some of the species of Spanish birdlife.

Illustration made as part of the mini-course Illustrating Birds taught within the framework of the II Online Congress of Scientific Illustration of Illustraciencia.

A 2-hour class course, following the conference presentations, explained the key aspects of both bird illustration and technique.

The final composition includes small digital icons that represent the ecology of the species and highlight its main threats, integrating an artistic and educational approach.

The resulting composition was chosen to be presented in a live videoconference on YouTube, where some of the best final projects from the congress courses were presented.

Year: 2022
Technique: Watercolor illustration with vector iconography (digital).
Illustration type: Scientific.
Type of project/Client: Course project.